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Here's what you need to do....

Send your video or photo of Hyung practice. Get credit to earn a Special Edition Winter Badge and take the spotlight above!!

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Day 1 - Focus on your Hyung practice today. (share video/pics)

Parents help your kids to: Stay future minded

Goal Today: "complete the 7 day challenge".

"Those that fail to plan are planning to fail."

Remember goals should be: S.M.A.R.T

  1. Specific

  2. Measurable

  3. Achievable

  4. Relevant

  5. Timed

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Winter Challenge - 용기 yonggi - Courage

Practice your Kuk Sool Won each day and make a video or pictures to share your progress. Use these tips to stay courageous.

“One mind focused nothing impossible” “When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms” “The little things makes the big things” “ I may not be able to do everything but I can and will do something” “Believe in yourself and be courageous” “Together we will find a way”. “Learn to improve your passion”.

1. Everyone that does the challenge will get credit for attending class that day. 2. Follow the Focus for that day. “Day 1 is Hyung”. 3. You can earn a Courage award pin. Let’s be All In!

Kuk Sool Warriors show respect, practice hard, never give up, protect ourselves, never bully others, use might for right Kuk Sool! All In!!

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