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Updated: Nov 1, 2023

Special WKSA Seminar HERE October 25th!

Date: Wednesday Oct. 25th 6:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M.
Location: Sherman Oaks Facility
Cost: $60
Who: All Students (requirement for Black Belt)How: Applications Due ASAP!


  1. Train with Senior Masters from Kuk Sool Won Headquarters.

  2. This is a Requirement toward Black Belt.

  3. Learn new skills and expand your understanding of the Martial Art you practice. Beginner and Advanced level skills will be taught.

  4. Build a stronger foundation that will peopel you in all aspects of learning. Gain life skills and make new friends.

  5. We will also have Kuk Sool Won Covina school joining us as well as other Balck Belts and Masters!

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The power of being teachable
Teachable 학습자

The word "teachable" carries immense significance in the realm of martial arts. As we serve the Sherman Oaks community and its surrounding areas, including Van Nuys, Encino, North Hollywood, we understand the profound impact it can have in our students lives. It encompasses a journey of self-improvement, resilience, and personal growth.

"A wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends."

We teach our students to explore the true distinctive nature of being teachable? Here are three key principles.

1. Be a Good Listener

• Being teachable starts with attentive listening. In our Kuk Sool Won martial arts, it's crucial to absorb the wisdom shared by experienced instructors. By actively listening, you gain valuable insights into techniques and strategies.

• Open your mind to constructive criticism. As the old saying goes, "A teachable spirit is the key to success." It's a pathway to self-improvement and skill refinement.

• We teach our students how to ask great questions. Engaging in dialogue with instructors and fellow students fosters a powerful learning environment. We help our students develop a passion to learn, regardless of their rank or age?

2. Follow Directions

• Following directions is an art in itself. In martial arts, this skill ensures safety and effective training. The ability to replicate movements accurately is key to mastering techniques.

• Trust the process. Often, martial arts techniques may seem complex at first, but they become second nature with practice. Remember, "The great aim of education is not the accumulation of knowledge but learning through the expression of action."

• Discipline and consistency lead to mastery. Are you ready to commit to the Nlack Belt journey and improve your learning habits?

3. Practice What You Learn

• Knowledge without application is futile. Martial arts is not just about theory; it's about embodiment. As the saying goes, "Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."

• Consistent practice leads to muscle improvement, allowing techniques to become instinctual. In doing so, you gain confidence in your physical, mental and emotional abilities.

• Martial arts isn't just for individuals; it's a family affair. Kids develop focus skills, and adults learn to encourage each other. Our Families grow stronger through shared experiences. Are you ready to join this journey and improve your life?

At Kuk Sool Won Family Martial Arts in Sherman Oaks, we provide an environment where being teachable is celebrated. Join our team to learn from experienced instructors, improve your habits, gain confidence, and grow as an individual and as a family. Take the first step towards personal transformation and empowerment.

Want more help? Learn more here!

1. History of Kuk Sool Won Martial Arts:

2. Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids:

Train to Live Quotes: Save and use these!

1. "A wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends."

2. "A teachable spirit is the key to success."

3. "The great aim of education is not knowledge but action."

4. "Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."

In closing, remember, being teachable is not a temporary endeavor. It's a lifelong commitment to personal growth and excellence. Are you ready to embrace the journey? All In 100%.

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Prioritization isn’t a mere task; it’s the Black Belt lifestyle. Here’s why it matters.....
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In the intricate dance of daily life, the ability to prioritize is your secret weapon. It’s the key to not just surviving but thriving, and it’s an invaluable skill we can pass on to our kids. Why?  Because prioritization isn’t just about managing time; it’s about managing dreams, aspirations, and a fulfilling life. Here’s why it’s so important and how you can start prioritizing effectively today.

Why Prioritize Matters

Prioritization isn’t a mere task; it’s the Black Belt lifestyle. Here’s why it matters:

Achieving Dreams: Prioritization helps turn dreams into reality. By focusing on what truly matters, you can achieve your goals. 

Reducing Stress: It’s your shield against being overwhelmed. Prioritizing reduces stress and keeps you in control.

Boosting Efficiency: Prioritization maximizes productivity. You get more done in less time.

Improving Decision-Making: It sharpens your decision-making skills. You’ll make better choices for yourself and your family.

Creating Balance: Prioritization ensures a balanced life. It helps you juggle work, family, class schedules and personal time effectively.

However, despite its undeniable benefits, many struggle with prioritization. Here are five common reasons and actionable tips to overcome them, even with your kids in tow:

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

1. Overwhelm

Challenge: Too many tasks, too little time.

Solution: Use the Eisenhower Matrix.  This is one of my favorites!  Categorize tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, neither urgent nor important. Focus on the first quadrant. It helps me to have these written down so I can review throughout the day.  

Harvard Business Review - Prioritization Tips:

2. Lack of Clarity

Challenge: Unclear goals lead to unclear priorities.

Solution: Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). This clarity will guide your priorities.

I find it helps me to stay focused on having a Growth mindset.  “This makes my goals a clear reflection of my life quest.”

MindTools - Time Management and Prioritization Techniques:

3. Procrastination

Challenge: Delaying important tasks sabotages prioritization.

Solution: Try the “Two-Minute Rule.” If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.

This is where your productivity gets wings!

Lifehacker - Productivity and Time Management Hacks:

4. Fear of Saying No

Challenge: Saying yes to everything derails priorities.

Solution: Practice polite, assertive “no’s.” Explain your current commitments and offer an alternative if possible.  We mentor kids and adults how to develop options and when to use them. Having a positive mentor helps you be prepared.  

Tony Robbins - Personal Development and Time Mastery:

5. Lack of Accountability

Challenge: Priorities are ineffective without accountability.

Solution: Share your priorities with your family and Kuk Sool Won Instructors. Hold each other accountable and celebrate successes together. Just like becoming a Black Belt!

Psychology Today - Articles on Prioritization and Goal Setting:

Don’t forget to share these strategies with your kids. Encourage them to prioritize their homework, chores, and Kuk Sool Won practice. 

Take Action and Join Our Community

Prioritization is a journey, and it’s one you shouldn’t embark on alone. Join our Kuk Sool Won community as we explore more strategies for success. Record your progress, share your victories, and inspire others to prioritize and together we can achieve more!

As you dive into the world of prioritization, remember these inspiring quotes:

•“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

“You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything.” - John C. Maxwell

Now, it’s time to take action. Start prioritizing today, and witness the transformation in your life and your family’s. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips, and let’s prioritize our way to success together.  All In 100%

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