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Southern CA Success

Let’s congratulate these warriors from the 2023 WKSA Southern CA Tournament. We will be taking more picture’s Tuesday and including those that weren’t able to make it in this group photo.

We had over 165 Kuk Sool Won Students competing, connecting and contributing this year! Our first WKSA local Tournament was a resounding success! With over ten schools represented!

A special thanks to the Senior Masters, Visiting and Local Masters and Black Belts for their dedication Judging and Mentoring ALL the wonderful students.

With a heartfelt appreciation to the entire set up crew (too many to name!) The planning and years of training that made this all possible is immense.

A good artist can make you look for a second, a great artist can make take a second look, but the best artist can make you look back after only seeing a second. May we all look back on these memories and remember those that helped us along the way. All In

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